Includes how to submit your scripts in the correct way
The Guild of Literary
(Aspiring & Established) Authors, Scriptwriters, Playwrights, & Agents
The Guild of Literary
(Aspiring & Established) Authors, Scriptwriters, Playwrights, & Agents
Includes how to submit your scripts in the correct way
The Guild of Literary
(Aspiring & Established) Authors, Scriptwriters, Playwrights, & Agents
The Guild of Literary
(Aspiring & Established) Authors, Scriptwriters, Playwrights, & Agents
Book submissions - Television -Film - Radio
- Script submissions
Publishing & Distribution - Fair Contracts -
Commissions & Royalties -
Copyright & Licence - Proof Reading - Illustrating - Ghost Writing - Terms & Conditions
The road you have set upon whether aspiring or established is a very personal direction in your thoughts, dreams, goals and talents. The world of creative or factual writing is not for everyone, but those who know they have something to say and can take both rejection and success without it controlling their lives will succeed.
We would love to tell you it is easy and everything you want will be handed to you but that would not be true. The very fact that you have made contact with us creates the initial steps into our professional world.
We act in different ways for Agents, Publishers and the whole array of professionals who support and overview your work of creativity, hopefully they see something different or interesting in order to establish with you that opportunity you both seek and desire. Your agent can register with us and know that our time and assistance with your direction will be reported back to them with care and critique in a positive manner.
We initiate our relationship by your personal application of Membership to our Guild for an annual fee. Your registration will clearly appear on our website (other than personal details and contact details ) and the classification of your skills.
Where you have a registered agent they too will be listed as they also have to be registered with us in a different way.
This our website : www.TheLiteraryGuildMembers.London contains ‘pdf downloadable documents’ all the elements you require in order to associate yourself with the many benefits that you may need in order to make a difference.
We would never simply return your work without an explanation that we believe would assist your following submission. Where there is a genuine and imaginative work that we receive, we shall ensure your talent is not wasted and will encourage your work in order to meet with you, discuss your direction and further your work to establish publication and distribution. Our website will be added to, and amended each week throughout the year in order to advise, inform and educate you in our business which is also your business. The important peripheral constituents that you have the right to accompany your way forward are clearly listed which you may want to take advantage of.
Upon approval of membership we issue to you a private key code in order that you can gain entry to your secure personal register where your work, replies and other information will be held. This provides historical as well as present communications which saves time and decision making delays. No one else can view your private register which also serves your ability to save, view, download or print off anything within it. This is more professional and personal in the way you are dealt with.
Your access to That web site is :
The elements of submission are clear. Simply follow them and hopefully that grand prize of fame and fortune will smile upon you. We hold an annual awards ceremony including dinner and dance for both aspiring and those amongst us who are on the precipice of fame.
Our established members will attend to inspire and encourage growth and enthusiasm.
As a member of our Guild, and there are other agents and publishers to choose from out there, we openly and transparently disclose what you would be responsible for once we can get you to a position of being published.
This is important to understand there are always costs to life, its failures and successes. Some people may fail many times whilst others seem to have luck on their side, yet with the attributes of perseverance, skill, enthusiasm and yes a little bit of luck, the frustration of not succeeding as quickly as you would like can be overcome and you will make headway. Some of our most successful authors who have turned their books into films and are now earning fortunes out of royalties, book sales and marketing paraphernalia, have all experienced rejection, dismissal and negativity. However each raised their positive mental attitude and kept trying. If you don’t kick at the goal you will never score!.
Jealousy is an issue that we can all dismiss or overcome however self doubt is something that will confront you but you must always brush those feelings to one side and get back into that positive outlook whilst moving forward. Even blind squirrels trip over nuts ! So hone your skills information and knowledge, put your life experiences to assist you, know that you are trying when so many people never start to create and move forward.
Networking, meeting people, telling them your hopes, aims and dreams will always help but remember to always be selling. Stay away from negativity, surround yourself with positivity, the pathway to greatness is in the journey not the outcome, strive to be both happy and interesting.
The support network that will grow around you from both ourselves and others will lift your spirits and probably change the course of your story many times. Learn from as many people and sources of information as you can, become that sponge for knowledge, it is amazing to set on a course for a story only to find information in your memory explodes into a thousand other stories. Make notes, never be without pen and paper.
The network of support that we bring and the learned veterans following their careers in this industry all have something to give but a price must be paid for their experience and direction in nurturing your dreams.
We support both you and others like you, we also support those on the sidelines in ensuring our membership can grow.
Our membership is £100 per year which covers a 10 year period. Only following publication interest would an additional £4 per month for the supportive on-line Protected Asset Register be agreed. This enables the paperwork between you and us is historically provable and unquestionable. It is secure and in one place which only you can access by using and 8 digit code, three letters from you and five numbers from ourselves to assist security, historical proof and copyright whilst you grow in this business. You can read, refer to, both our remarks and notes, direction and appraisal. You can download, print off what ever you need. It is your dream safe.
Our membership contracts you to a percentage of future money you earn, this relates as a constant 20% of all Publications, Film rights and associated income, Television, Radio and public appearances, Commissions and Royalties, Plays etc including all digital and newer technology in the way we are able to provide growth, exposure and income for you.
We don’t earn our % if you don’t succeed which is why you are the most important commodity to us, but more than that you are a person in your own right that needs support and an arm to lead on a shoulder to cry on and a hand to lead you through the nonsense our industry can throw at you. We know the inconsiderate discourteous way some Agents and publishing houses treat submissions.
Ask yourself why are you setting out to play in this sea which is often calm but occasionally choppy. Can you handle rejection or comment and process the changes required for your hard work.
Is it just for money, for respect, the glamour of success or is it to prove to yourself or others that you will not be taken for granted, looked down upon, made to feel insecure or not worthy. Is it to leave a legacy or enable your name to be recognised. It could be a mixture of all of these or none but only you know however be ready to expose the truth when you are on television being interviewed on your success.
Often you may need to use a Proof Reader or a Ghost Writer both we shall explain a little later. Their fees are separate from ours and add in so many ways to your future success. We shall advise you when these assistive skills may benefit your success.
You may need on your journey, quiet time away from family and friends to think, to plan to create or you may gain momentum in your writing by enveloping yourself with like minded souls or does the bright likes, wild fun side attract you in order to rationalise your creative power. You will find out where your strengths and weaknesses lie.
So you have scribbled thoughts and notes, worked tirelessly at night or odd moments throughout the day, had those moments when you go blank, and just cannot focus on the story. Obtained facts on your subject, wound a plot and inserted interesting memorable characters within it, and time located the script. constructed the twists and turns for interest .
You have perused the Internet, read the clever words on how to do it or even how to self publish. Intrigued by the Vanity publishers who guarantee your work is ideal for right now and where people are crying out to read your work.
Now what ?
How do you submit the work of art to someone or some company who you feel would read it, pay you a large advance and then write another amazing script to repeat the sequence.
Stop Now and get real!
Go into any Book shop, be amazed by the sheer number of books, and understand the amount of time, effort and culling of other would be Authors that enabled choices to be made by those that know and understand these things. An eye to profit is a leading factor in the industry Artistic competence does not pay bills nor investment into professional people or machinery, running costs nor taxes, so appreciate this industry which is what it is works on income from the many sources that it relies upon.
Beware of Vanity publishing
The Con end of the marketplace, don't get involved in all the promises. it will cost you.
We have many different assessors who carefully consider your script in order to determine and provide an overview.
it would be pointless in submitting a Children's Fictional script to a Historian, a work of Poetry to a a Sports assessor or an Erotic thriller to a Golfing assessor.
Thoughts on your script
1. Is it interesting
2. Is it understandable
3. Is it marketable - Would it sell
4. Can it be improved in any way
5. Would it cause offence
6. Is it in the correct category
7. Is it too similar to another script
8. Could it be turned into a play or film
9. Could it be adapted into a series or a Television Drama
10. Are the characters believable
11. Does it need Proof Reading
12. Is it too long
Are you prepared to listen and learn
We Authors all think we have the ideal and obvious Best Seller that should
fly off the shelves, or be grabbed by a film studio or be bid for by a Radio programme
often we see improvements stand out when we rewrite certain chapters or revise the way they would be better understood in a different order.
Changes do not mean rejection, comments do not alter the story line, simply cause you to think of a different presentation.
At this point a full script is not required simply send
either the first 3 chapters to us, or a full synopsis of around 1600 words.
Do not worry about numbering the pages at this stage.
Also an appraisal of the story, Just like when you pick up a book and read the back cover.
So send that on a separate sheet of paper with your 3 chapters.
The size of the lettering and the type of Font is important when submitting to us so use
ARIAL as the Font
Use 14 as your letter size.
You do not have to bind it
but ensure it is all joined together
Package it properly
and write our address in understandable writing.
Register your Post to us
not to to our London Registered office but to :
The Guild - TGLASPA Assessors
Suite 47 Second Floor.
Newlands Close.
if you want it returned to you
Get the Post Office to tell you how much it costs
before sending it
then enclose a Postal Order for that amount
Make it payable to : TGLASPA
(as you now know what it costs)
and we shall register it back to you
with our appraisal & directions.
The Guild of Literary (Aspiring & Established ) Authors, Scriptwriters, Playrights & Agents.
71-73 Shelton Street. Covent Garden. London. WC2H 9JQ
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